Professional-grade products sold through professionals only. We do not retail directly.

Our suggested retail prices are lower only when it’s sold through estheticians! For example, Caviplla Serums' regular price is $250 for 120ml(on the official website). When a customer buys from an esthetician, it is $200 for 120ml!

Please confidently let your clients know they will not find our products cheaper anywhere, even online! 🙏🏻 You have no competition when it comes to selling our products! We appreciate all the work and time you guys put into educating your clients and having them try and use our products in facials!🥰💜 #aomedteam



1 comment

Hello, I would like to register as a professional. I am a Florida licensed Esthetician/Facial Specialist FS#873055
Please let me know what other information you need so I can setup an professional account.
Thank you,
God Bless,
Sandi Brooks

Sandra Brooks June 10, 2024

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